41. Missale romanum ordinarium
- Subtitle:
- Misale romanum nuper adoptatum commodum and Misale romanum nuper adoptatum commodum
- Alternative Title:
- [Miſſale romanum ordinarium.]
- Alternative Subtitle:
- [Miſale romanum nuper adoptatum cōmodū]
- Creator/Contributor:
- Catholic Church (author)
- Publisher:
- Espinosa, Antonio de, -1578
- Geographic Coverage:
- Mexico (country)| México (country)
- Date Created/Date Issued:
- 1561
- Owning Repository:
- John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
- Related Resource - Host:
- BA561 .C363m (local)
- Identifier - Local:
- pl_jcbl_049
- Extent:
- 634 p.
- Language:
- Latin| lat
- Genre:
- Missals| Liturgical texts| Musical notation
- Topic:
- Rites and ceremonies| Sacraments| Music
- Description:
- Liturgical book that contains the texts and rubrics, the order and way of celebrating the Eucharist in the Roman rite of the Catholic Church.| Collation formula: +⁸, [a]-q⁸, r¹°, s-z⁸, Aa-Ss⁸. Errors in foliation: h³-⁴, Gg³, Hh¹ Ii² and Ii³ are missigned as g³-⁴, Gg², Ff, Ii³ and ii³, respectively; i² and r¹ lack signatures. Format: fo. Dimensions: 30.5 x 20 cm. Binding: Leather covers with metal clasps. Marginalia: Some. Illustrations: Full-page engraving of the Crucifixion (134v), ornamental borders and musical notation. Type: Gothic.
- Condition Note:
- La portada y el grabado de la crucifixión están desprendidas. Faltan páginas preliminares y el colofón. La portada y el grabado, originales, se encuentran en un fólder que contiene también copias facsimilares de las páginas faltantes.| The title page and the engraving of the crucifixion are detached. Preliminary pages and the colophon are missing. The original title page and engraving are in a folder that also contains facsimile copies of the missing pages.
- General Note:
- Numerosos errores en los títulos de los meses entre las hojas 206-266. Incluye música, que se representa en rúbricas y pentagramas rojas y notas negras. Contiene referencias bíblicas en los márgenes. Sin colofón.| Numerous errors in month headings between leaves 206-266. Includes music, which is depicted in red rubrics and staves and black notes. It contains scriptural references in the margins. No colophon.
- License:
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Citation Note:
- Primeros Libros de las Américas proporciona acceso a este recurso digital exclusivamente para fines de investigación y de enseñanza. Todos los derechos de reedición pertenecen a dichas instituciones depositarias. Es necesario pedir permiso de la institución que custodia el libro original para publicar alguna imagen.| Primeros Libros de las Américas provides access to this digital resource exclusively for research and teaching purposes. Owning repositories retain exclusive publication rights over these materials. It is necessary to request permission from the institution that holds the original book to publish an image.