Advertencias para los confesores de los naturales
- Subtitle:
- segunda parte
- Alternative Title:
- Alternative Subtitle:
- Segunda Parte.
- Creator/Contributor:
- Juan Bautista, fray, 1555-approximately 1613 (author)| Catholic Church (contributor)| Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598 (contributor)
- Publisher:
- Ocharte, Melchior, 1571-1616?| Ocharte Figueroa, Luis, active 17th century
- Geographic Coverage:
- Mexico (country)| México (country)
- Date Created/Date Issued:
- 1600
- Owning Repository:
- Biblioteca Francisco de Burgoa, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca
- Related Resource - Host:
- Fondo Antiguo (title)| BFFB-004664 (local)
- Identifier - Local:
- pl_boax_008
- Extent:
- 902 p.
- Language:
- Latin| lat| Spanish| spa
- Genre:
- Manuals| Indulgences| Administrative regulations
- Topic:
- Indigenous peoples| Sacraments| Monasticism and religious orders| Councils and synods, Diocesan (Canon law)| Missions
- Description:
- Compilation of indulgences and privileges that the Catholic Church and Spanish Crown have granted to the Franciscans and the various religious orders in New Spain to facilitate their missionary work among the Indigenous people. It contains papal bulls, royal decrees, and Council of Trent and provincial council acts that regulated the work of the religious orders.| Collation formula: []⁸, *⁸, Q-Z⁸, 2A-2D⁸, 2E², 2F⁸, 2E⁶, 2G⁸-2Z⁸, ¶⁸, ¶* ⁸, ¶** ⁸, ¶*** ⁸, ¶**** ⁸, ¶S⁸, ¶SS⁸, ¶SSS⁸, ¶SSSS⁸, ¶SSSSS⁸, ¶SSSSS⁴, A-M⁸, N⁷. Format: 8o. Height: 15 cm. Binding: Parchment. Marginalia: None. Marks of provenance: Fire brands of the Institute of Sciences and Arts of the State and of the Convent of San Francisco de Oaxaca. Illustrations: Shield of the Franciscan order on the title page and after the preliminaries, capitulars, and vignettes. Type: Roman.
- Condition Note:
- Ejemplar en regular estado de conservación. Tapas desprendidas. Daños por polilla y humedad.| Copy in decent condition. Covers are detached. There is insect and humidity damage.
- General Note:
- Publicado en dos partes numeradas consecutivamente. Sin colofón por falta de últimas paginas.| Published in two parts consecutively numbered. No colophon for lack of last pages.
- License:
- Citation Note:
- Primeros Libros de las Américas proporciona acceso a este recurso digital exclusivamente para fines de investigación y de enseñanza. Todos los derechos de reedición pertenecen a dichas instituciones depositarias. Es necesario pedir permiso de la institución que custodia el libro original para publicar alguna imagen.| Primeros Libros de las Américas provides access to this digital resource exclusively for research and teaching purposes. Owning repositories retain exclusive publication rights over these materials. It is necessary to request permission from the institution that holds the original book to publish an image.