Advertencias para los confesores de los naturales
- Subtitle:
- primera parte
- Alternative Title:
- Alternative Subtitle:
- Primera parte.
- Creator/Contributor:
- Juan Bautista, fray, 1555-approximately 1613 (author)| Alonso de la Vera Cruz, fray, approximately 1507-1584 (contributor)| Sahagún, Bernardino de, 1499-1590 (contributor)
- Publisher:
- Ocharte, Melchior, 1571-1616?| Ocharte Figueroa, Luis, active 17th century
- Geographic Coverage:
- Mexico (country)| México (country)
- Date Created/Date Issued:
- 1600
- Owning Repository:
- Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Harvard University
- Identifier - Local:
- pl_doak_002
- Extent:
- 358 p.
- Language:
- Spanish| spa| Nahuatl languages| nah| Latin| lat
- Genre:
- Manuals| Catechisms
- Topic:
- Confession| Indigenous peoples| Marriage| Rites and ceremonies| Caste
- Description:
- Manual for friars ministering to Indigenous communities. It contains a short catechism, confessional, and absolution guidelines in Nahuatl and Spanish. There is a section on family relationships, with translations of terms into Nahuatl, and marriage. The author also includes a section on "superstitions and idolatries" drawn from Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún's work. The author argues that friars should apply a broader criteria on the sacrament of Penance among the indigenous people, taking into account their customs, culture, and evangelization challenges, such as the lack of priests, ignorance of the Indigenous language, among others.| Collation formula: [A]⁸ B⁸ C⁸(C⁸+1) D-P⁸, ²A-G⁸ χ² [$⁴ (-F⁴) signed, missigning M4 as M3]; ff. [8], 1-14, 14, 15-112, [58]. Errores en la foliación: 14, 272 repetidos. Format: 8o. Height: 14 cm. Binding: Modern vellum binding. Marginalia: None. Copy has bookseller's published description, tipped in at front flyleaf, stating: "This copy has only 8 preliminary leaves, instead of 12 (as called for by Palau).". Illustrations: Woodcut title vignettes (emblem of the Franciscan order), initials, woodcuts (emblem of the Franciscans, different from that on t.p.) on versos of [(*)4] and [(*)8]. Type: Roman.
- General Note:
- Colofón en la segunda parte: "Excudebat Ludouicus Ocharte Figueros, Mexici, in Regio collegio sancte crucis, sancti Iacobi de Tlatilulco. Anno Domini, 1601".| Colophon in part 2: "Excudebat Ludouicus Ocharte Figueros, Mexici, in Regio collegio sancte crucis, sancti Iacobi de Tlatilulco. Anno Domini, 1601".
- License:
- Citation Note:
- Primeros Libros de las Américas proporciona acceso a este recurso digital exclusivamente para fines de investigación y de enseñanza. Todos los derechos de reedición pertenecen a dichas instituciones depositarias. Es necesario pedir permiso de la institución que custodia el libro original para publicar alguna imagen.| Primeros Libros de las Américas provides access to this digital resource exclusively for research and teaching purposes. Owning repositories retain exclusive publication rights over these materials. It is necessary to request permission from the institution that holds the original book to publish an image.