Institución, modo de rezar, y milagros e indulgencias del Rosario de la Virgen María, nuestra señora
- Subtitle:
- recopilado de los más auténticos escritores, que del escribieron
- Alternative Title:
- INSTITVCION, MODO DE REZAR, Y MILA=gros e Indulgencias del Roſario dela virgen Maria, nueſtra Señora,
- Alternative Subtitle:
- recopilado delos mas authenticos eſcritores, ʠ del eſcriuieron
- Creator/Contributor:
- Taix, Geroni (author)| Salazar, Domingo de, 1512-1594 (editor)
- Publisher:
- Balli, Pedro, active 1574-1600
- Geographic Coverage:
- Mexico (country)| México (country)
- Date Created/Date Issued:
- 1576
- Owning Repository:
- Biblioteca Francisco de Burgoa, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca
- Related Resource - Host:
- Fondo Antiguo (title)| BFFB-004223 (local)
- Identifier - Local:
- pl_boax_006
- Extent:
- 518 p.
- Language:
- Spanish| spa| Latin| lat
- Genre:
- Devotional literature| Prayers| Calendars
- Topic:
- Rosary, Our Lady of the| Human behavior| Council of Trent (1545-1563 : Trento, Italy)| Fasts and feasts| Dispensations (Canon law)
- Description:
- Description of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, a prayer guide based on Tridentine Council specifications, a compilation of the confraternity's indulgences, and feast day calendar.| Collation formula: +⁸, ++¹², A-E⁸, F⁶, H², I-Z⁸, 2A-2I⁸. Format: 8o. Height: 15 cm. Binding: Parchment. Marginalia: None. Provenance marks: Fire brands of the Institute of Sciences and Arts of the State and of the Santo Domingo de Oaxaca Convent. Illustrations: Woodcuts of the Virgin of the Rosary, one on the cover and one at the end of the work, the printer's mark at the end, and initials. Type: Roman.
- Condition Note:
- Ejemplar en regular estado de conservación. Tapas desprendidas. Faltan cuadernillos G y H.| Copy in decent condition. Covers are detached. G and H gatherings are missing.
- General Note:
- Colofón: "EN MEXICO. En caſa de Pedro Balli. 1576."| Colophon: "EN MEXICO. En caſa de Pedro Balli. 1576."
- License:
- Citation Note:
- Primeros Libros de las Américas proporciona acceso a este recurso digital exclusivamente para fines de investigación y de enseñanza. Todos los derechos de reedición pertenecen a dichas instituciones depositarias. Es necesario pedir permiso de la institución que custodia el libro original para publicar alguna imagen.| Primeros Libros de las Américas provides access to this digital resource exclusively for research and teaching purposes. Owning repositories retain exclusive publication rights over these materials. It is necessary to request permission from the institution that holds the original book to publish an image.